The AD 2000 and Beyond Movement grew out of a desire to respond both to the imperative of the Great Commission and to the unique opportunity to mobilize all of God's people to reach the unreached by the year 2000, as God's people everywhere have established unprecedented faith goals for AD 2000.
The intention is to encourage cooperation among existing churches, movements and structures to work together towards this same vision. The expected result is the establishment of a mission-minded church planting movement within every unreached and unevangelized people and city by AD 2000, so that all people might have a valid opportunity to experience the love, truth and saving power of Jesus Christ in fellowship with other believers.
This is a personal account of a remarkable event--the Church Growth Conference for Africa held in the International Bible Training Center near Lagos, Nigeria, August 5-11, 1992. The figures were all but unbelievable. Some 13,000 pastors from 45 African nations, and representing 2,146 denominations, registered.
For years God's people have had dreams that have become realities. The word dream appears 77 times in your New International Version, almost half of those in the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. Most of the dreams of God's people in the Bible became realities right on...
Less than two years from now, the Global Consultation on World Evangelization by the Year 2000 and Beyond, GCOWE '95, will be held here in Seoul, Korea. It is only fitting that the Korean church, as host to this event projected to bring together Christian leaders form some 200 countries has become one of the...
In a spirit of servanthood, the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement seeks to encourage, motivate and network men and women church leaders by inspiring them with the vision of reaching the unreached by the year 2000 through consultations, prayer efforts and written materials. The intention is to encourage cooperation among existing churches, movements and structures...
The AD2000 & Beyond Movement was formed to encourage, motivate, and network men and women church leaders by inspiring them with the vision of accelerating the reaching the unreached through the year 2000. We believe that God has used the AD2000 and Beyond Movement to do that and to mobilize the Church to focus more...
The AD 2000 and Beyond Movement grew out of a desire to respond both to the imperative of the Great Commission and to the unique opportunity to mobilize all of God's people to reach the unreached by the year 2000, as God's people everywhere have established unprecedented faith goals for AD 2000. The intention was...
At the beginning of this decade, researchers reported that more than 2000 different evangelization plans by Christian organizations and denominations focused on the year 2000. The AD2000 & Beyond Movement first gained attention at the international missions conference Lausanne II in Manila in 1989. The Movement then spread rapidly around the globe to help catalyze...
In 1989, 20 national and regional consultations have been held around the world focusing in on what can be done in world evangelization by the year 2000 and beyond. Luis Bush gives his first-hand experience of Alcance 2000 held in Costa Rica. Costa Rican evangelicals drew up strategic plans to develop the growing missions’ momentum...
In conjunction with the previous article, the following is a short interview with Dave Imboden, USCWM Regional Offices Coordinator and Co-coordinator for the Mission Mobilization Resource Network of Mission America 2000. MF: What role does the USCWM have in the Mission America 2000 campaign?
Awakening 2000 was officially launched before over 50 church leaders and representatives in St Andrew's House, Sydney on Friday September 20. Previous projects were reported, results shared and future challenges faced. One of the most moving moments came when over 50 leaders divided into groups of 3-4 to pray for the future plans and the...
Awakening 2000 was officially launched before over 50 church leaders and representatives in St Andrew's House, Sydney on Friday September 20. Previous projects were reported, results shared and future challenges faced. One of the most moving moments came when over 50 leaders divided into groups of 3-4 to pray for the future plans and the...
Nosotros, los 1600 participantes y representantes de 110 naciones nos hemos reunido en Jerusalén al final del milenio para celebrar a Jesús el Mesías. Nos regocijamos con todos los creyentes de ésta tierra de promesa, con Judíos Mesiánicos y con Arabes Cristianos, porque el evangélio del reino ha sido predicado desde Jerusalén a todas las...
You have not been out of my thoughts, since I sent you the email on Monday, with the news of the cancellation of the Celebrate Messiah Conference in Jerusalem. Thank you, to so many of you, who have written, phoned, and emailed with a positive response and the assurance of your present and continued prayers....
“The opening of the Muslim world for the gospel,” writes Patrick Johnstone, “cannot be organized by human effort or stratagems but only by prayer. Our weapons are spiritual, not carnal. Pray for an army of intercessors to be raised up that a breakthrough as decisive and sudden as that in China and the former USSR...
A question that world Christians should ask themselves is: “Is the statement that the Arab World is unreachable true?” After reading this article my hope is that you will say, along with an increasing number of Arab nationals and internationals who have worked there for years, a resounding “No.” As a veteran leading international says:...
We, the 314 participants from 50 nations gathered for the Global Consultation for World Evangelization by AD 2000 and Beyond, come from many different churches, denominations and ministries under the direction of the Holy Spirit for what we consider to be a singular moment in the history of the Church. We identify ourselves as a...
This year we celebrate the bicentenary of William Carey who is known as the father of modern day missions. Carey arrived in India in 1792. One hundred years later A.T. Pierson made the statement: At this centenary of William Carey; God's signals flash like lightning and boom like thunder around the sky. By every mightiest...
Less than two years from now, the Global Consultation on World Evangelization by the Year 2000 and Beyond, GCOWE '95, will be held here in Seoul, Korea. It is only fitting that the Korean church, as host to this event projected to bring together Christian leaders form some 200 countries has become one of the...
In July 1974 the International Congress on World Evangelization was held in Lausanne, Switzerland, and issued the Lausanne Covenant. Now in July 1989 over 3,000 of us from about 170 countries have met in Manila for the same purpose, and have issued the Manila Manifesto.
“The opening of the Muslim world for the gospel,” writes Patrick Johnstone, “cannot be organized by human effort or stratagems but only by prayer. Our weapons are spiritual, not carnal. Pray for an army of intercessors to be raised up that a breakthrough as decisive and sudden as that in China and the former USSR...
Accra, June 4, 1993-- Over 600 carefully selected Ghanaian Christian leaders, representing every major Protestant denomination, mission and para-church ministry, assembeled in Accra, Ghana last June. Following an earlier consultation, in June 1989, in which more than 500 Christian leaders met for a national Consultation on the Evangelization of Ghana and Beyond by AD2000, the...
In order to accomplish the AD 2000 goals of a "Church for every people and the Gospel for every person"--two primary efforts needed to be part of the plan: We need to intentionally plan how to proclaim the Gospel to every person; We need to train the leaders who will be needed for millions of...
During the month of October, all around the world, Christians joined together in "Praying Through the Window," probably the most widespread prayer effort in the history of the Church. Like never before, over 20 million Christians are focused on an area called the 10/40 Window. This window stretches across North Africa, through the Middle East...
The catalytic nature of the AD2000 Movement, as a contextual and institutional platform for a vibrant world evangelization effort during the final decade of the second millennium incorporates sections based on catalytic aim, catalytic means, catalytic leaders and catalytic structures. AD2000 provides a contextual and institutional platform for demonstrating the constancy of the nature of...
George Verwer just called me a few minutes ago from London. He is in the midst of writing an article about the AD2000 challenge of the Unreached Peoples. He said something like, "Ralph, you should have heard me last night talking about reaching all of the Unreached Peoples by the year 2000, the 10/40 Window,...
Christian women in Abidjan, Ivory Coast have caught the vision to reach unreached peoples. Violet Mtegha, the regional representative for the AD2000 Women's Track, tells of one woman who selected the Tuareg people, thinking that "all" she would have to do is pray. Then she discovered a group of Tuaregs living in Abidja, and realized...
Though the Arabian Peninsula is often misunderstood, it presents a picture of great need and great opportunity today. Can you hear the Arabian Peninsula calling, "Come and help us" (Acts 16;2)?
"World Mission: The Asian Challenge" was the theme of Asia Missions Congress '90 held August 27-31 in Seoul, Korea. The Evangelical Fellowship of Asia sponsored the congress which was eighteen months in preparation. Hosts were the Korea Evangelical Fellowship and the 25,000-member Choong Hyun Presbyterian Church that made its ample facilities available for all the...
As I look back over the past six years since the AD2000 & Beyond Movement was launched, several key moments - “kairos” moments - stand out in my mind. The first was at the inaugural meeting of our movement in July, 1990, when it was recorded in our minutes that our primary target of concern...
As the last region to adopt the strategies of the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement, the Caribbean is moving rapidly to implement these strategies and to challenge Evangelical leaders to become involved in ensuring there is a church for every people and the Gospel for every person by the year 2000. Key Evangelical leaders from...
In the final paragraph of Affirmation 11 titled: The Challenge of AD 2000 and Beyond John Stott writes: “Now the year 2000 has become for many a challenging milestone. Can we commit ourselves to evangelize the world during the last decade of this millennium? There is nothing magical about the date, yet should we not...
Many people, especially in America, think of missions and world evangelization as an American led and promoted enterprise. But today in our time God is doing some earth shaking things around our world that are breaking down the usual stereotypes about missions. Today the number of missionaries from the third world is growing rapidly and...
We, the 1,700 registrants representing 106 nations, intended to gather in Jerusalem at the turn of the millennium to celebrate Jesus the Messiah. Although divine wisdom prevented us from meeting together with believers in Israel, the land of promise, including Messianic Jews, as well as Arab and Israeli Christians, we rejoice that the gospel of...
Few Christians, who are concerned with world evangelization by the year AD 2000, would disagree that the most crucial challenge we confront is the Arab Middle East. The 220 million Arab Muslims of the Middle East and North Africa represent "the core of the core" ~ the most challenging region within the 10/40 Window. It...
Today is the 22nd of February. The Jerusalem Post headline reads "Amman-Saddam meeting today." The article reported from Baghdad reads: "UN Secretary General Kofi-Anna is scheduled to meet later today with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in what is widely seen as a last-minute effort to avert a US-led attack aimed at forcing Baghdad to comply...
God is on the move! He is superintending the events of our time. He is the source of the world’s growing spiritual thirst. That means that now is the time to act! It was nearly two thousand years ago that Jesus challenged His Church with the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Today,...
The United Prayer Track was formed in 1990 under the leadership of Dr. Peter Wagner. Incredible advances by the kingdom of God have occurred in the last several years through united prayer. As we look toward the “Mid-decade” progress report at GCOWE ’95, we offer this report regarding our progress and future steps. The United...
As I observed the development of Asian Missions Congress '90 unfold and consulted with participants and observers to the conference such as Dr. Emilio Antonio Nunez, Latin American Theologian, Ruben Ezemadu, Chairman of the Nigerian Evangelical Mission Association, Dr. Chun Chae OK from the Women's University in Seoul, Korea, Dr. Lois McKinney of Trinity Evangelical...
It was an incredible experience! For five days in Riga, Latvia 1000 delegates to the Nations for Christ Congress met daily in a showcase auditorium which two years ago was open only to communist gatherings. Many of those present had been in prison for their faith, some for years. Now, in a public building set...