Great Commission Manifesto

January 8, 1989

We, the 314 participants from 50 nations gathered for the Global Consultation for World Evangelization by AD 2000 and Beyond, come from many different churches, denominations and ministries under the direction of the Holy Spirit for what we consider to be a singular moment in the history of the Church.

We identify ourselves as a gathering of Christians who by faith alone has accepted Jesus Christ, true God and true man, revealed in the infallible and holy Scriptures as our Lord and Savior. We are committed to biblical righteousness in our behavior and to growth in holiness.

We gratefully acknowledge the worldwide witness and ministry of faithful men and women throughout the previous 20 centuries.

We humbly confess our pride, prejudice, competition and disobedience that have hindered our generation from effectively working at the task of world evangelization. These sins have impeded God's desire to spread abroad His gracious provision of eternal salvation through the precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

We turn from these sins and failures to express our belief that God has graciously opened to us a window of opportunity to completing the magnificent task He has given us. We boldly seize this crucial moment, more impressed with God's great power than any force arrayed against us.

Cooperation & Partnership

We have listened to each other and rejoice at what God is doing through many plans for world evangelization. We learned that there are over 2,000 separate plans relating to world evangelization.

We see afresh that cooperation and partnership are absolute necessities if the Great Commission is going to be fulfilled by the Year 2000. For the sake of those who are lost and eternally separated from God, we have dared to pray and dream of what might happen if appropriate autonomy of churches and ministries could be balanced with significant partnership.


We acknowledge that the evangelization of the world can be carried out only in the power of the Holy Spirit. Listening and ready, we declare our dependence upon the Holy Spirit and commit to undergird all efforts for world evangelization with personal and corporate prayer. We recognize that human energy cannot replace divine activity nor can spiritual success be measured in terms of human achievement. The effectiveness of our endeavors does not lie in human expertise but in the sovereign activity of the Holy Spirit.


The Good News of Jesus Christ brings special meaning to suffering humanity. God's love brings hope to those who live under the bondage of sin, and who are victims of poverty and injustice. We believe that Christians involved in world evangelization should live among people as servants and minister to the needs of the whole person.

Towards Fulfillment

The revelation of God in Christ is plain. The commission to His Church is clear. The unfinished task is apparent. The opportunity to work together is ours.

We believe that it is possible to bring the Gospel to all people by the year 2000. This can be accomplished with sufficient dedication, unity, and mobilization of available resources, powered and directed by God.

We believe that it is possible to being the Gospel to all people by the year 2000. This can be accomplished with sufficient dedication, unity, and mobilization of available resources, powered and directed by God.

To accomplish this objective, it will be necessary to:

  • Focus particularly on those who have not yet heard the Gospel.
  • Provide every people and population on earth with a valid opportunity to hear the Gospel in a language they can understand. it is our fervent prayer that at least half of humanity will profess allegiance to the Lord Jesus.
  • Establish a mission-minded church planting movement within every unreached people group so that the Gospel is accessible to all people.
  • Establish a Christian community of worship, instruction in the word, healing, fellowship. prayer, disciple making, evangelism, and missionary concern in every human community.