Cancellation of Celebrate Messiah 2000
CM2000 Cancellation Update

Dear Colleagues:
You have not been out of my thoughts, since I sent you the email on Monday, with the news of the cancellation of the Celebrate Messiah Conference in Jerusalem. Thank you, to so many of you, who have written, phoned, and emailed with a positive response and the assurance of your present and continued prayers.
I send this now because I want you to know the actual steps that we have taken, and will continue to take, to ensure that you receive the maximum return of your money, and that all aspects of cancellation of the Conference and return of monies are dealt with properly.
We have met with the Tour Companies, who were responsible for hotel bookings and other arrangements. All the hotels we were going to use, have agreed to no cancellation charge, and to return 100% of any monies advanced to them.
The Tour Company is keeping some funds advanced to pay for expenses already incurred, but it is much less than we expected. Praise God!
The International Convention Centre, where the Conference was going to be held, have agreed to return all monies, less a small fee for 'administration' costs already incurred.
There are no costs incurred in the arranging of Tours before and after the Conference; thus, these will be returned 100%.
The majority of delegate fees are held in a Trust Fund, set up by the Tour Operators, here in Israel. I go tomorrow to sign papers, and then they have promised to 'Bank Transfer' all the monies they are holding to the AD2000 bank account in Colorado Springs. They are also taking responsibility for collecting the monies that the hotels and Convention Centre have promised to return.
What this means is that AD2000 will be able to return monies as follows to all delegates:
- All Land and Tour monies will be returned
- All Registration fees will be returned less irrevocable costs, which have been incurred.
- Where delegates have incurred substantial penalties from their airlines for ticket cancellation, AD2000 will entertain hardship requests to seek to help financially as we are able.
During the next few weeks, we have asked Regional and National Coordinators to clarify with each delegate the amount that they believe they are owed. We will then check/verify our figures for funds received. Once that is done, we will begin to return the monies due. Our target date for this is the week commencing January 8th. Please continue to pray for all this and for our staff through this process.
A news item concerning the cancellation has been put on our website. It finishes by saying: 'The Internet news a few weeks ago announced 'Bethlehem cancels Christmas'. The Celebrate Messiah Conference in Jerusalem may also be cancelled, but we know that this Christmas time, we have a Savior whose name is Jesus, and that He is the Savior of the world. Christmas cannot and never will be cancelled. Thanks be unto God!'
In His limitless love,
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