Luis and Doris
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Press Release

Global Day of Prayer for the 4/14ers

On this 14th day of the 4th month of 2012 God's people around the world have been called to meet the challenge of the 4/14 Window through united fervent, focused, prayer and fasting. So much is at stake. So much is on the table. Let us come to the table together from wherever we are as we join our hearts with God's heart for the children of the world.

On the table we find the Shewbread from the Word of God

  • Deut 33:26 "There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty." The Promise of Abundance—We have the Liberty of Access--
  • Joshua 21:45 Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; everyone was fulfilled.
  • Ps 45:16 Your sons will take the place of your fathers; you will make them princes throughout the land.
  • Ez 8:23-24 "The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him… So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer."
  • Mat 18:5 Jesus said: "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me." Today we receive Jesus as we receive the 1.2 billion children of the 4/14 Window as our call to prayer.

On the table we find an expectation birthed in the hearts of God's people around the world called the 4/14 Window initiative. Our prayers today for the 4/14 Window focus on these expectations becoming reality.

  • The 4/14 Window initiative represents is an urgent appeal to consider the potential and strategic importance of those 1.2 billion children and youth in the 4/14 Window. Pray God's people to hear!
  • The vision of the 4/14 Window Movement is for the church to make the children the priority focus in their churches. Pray that pastors, elders, bishops and church leaders will wake up to the need to make the children the priority focus in their churches.
  • The 4/14 Window initiative seeks to reach this most receptive generation to transform the world. Pray that the gospel be presented to every one of the 1.2 billion 4/14ers through parents, siblings, other 4/14ers, the churches – the story of Jesus booklet, the Jesus Film for children and through the Internet, the Wordless book and every way.
  • The 4/14 Window initiative represents a global effort to rescue the 4/14 Window children. Pray for wholistic child development in the contexts of need in the nations through every church and NGO including Compassion International and World Vision.
  • The 4/14 Window initiative involves mobilizing the 4/14ers as agents for transformation throughout the world. Pray for children to be mobilized as intercessors including the final remaining group of the 20,000 children intercessors that are been trained to interceded who are scheduled to come together on May 17th in the stadium in Jakarta as part of the World Prayer Assembly.
  • The vision of the 4/14 Window Movement seeks to maximize their transformational impact while they are young, and mobilize them for continuing impact for the rest of their lives. Pray for wisdom by God's people in every nation on the need for and the how to maximize their transformational impact while they are young, and mobilize them for continuing impact for the rest of their lives.
  • The vision of the 4/14 Window Movement seeks to raise them up with a Christian worldview. Pray for the impartation and reception of a biblical Christian world view for the 4/14ers that will result in them seeking s first the Kingdom of God and becoming Kingdom minded and develop a Kingdom mindset.
  • The 4/14 Window initiative seeks to raise up a new generation from this most receptive generation to transform the world. Pray for Change agents God's way from the 4/14 generation to be raised up.

On the table we find a battle raging for the children and youth of the 4/14 Window from our World today.

The greatest battle going on in our day is the battle for the hearts and minds of men and women. The frontline of that battle is the age group (4-14)

Jesus said the thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. A priority focus for Jesus and Satan are the children. It is a Bloody Battlefield today. The 4/14ers of the world are being trafficked as sex slaves, made to fight the wars started by the adults, abandoned to fend for themselves on the streets of the cities, struggling in the midst of extreme poverty, ignored by their own fathers, suffering due to divorce of the parents. In Honduras 70% are raised by single mothers.

Lives are being cut off my our own human hands even before they make it out of their mothers' wombs through abortion -- approximately 42 Million around the world every single year. 83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur in developed countries. We excuse ourselves by calling it therapeutic abortion and then define it to include the loss of

On the table we find seven basic challenges to maximize their transformational impact

  1. The Spiritual Challenge
  2. The Mental / Cognitive Challenge
  3. The Physical / Health Challenge
  4. The Economic Challenge
  5. The Relational Challenge
  6. The Social Challenge
  7. The Ministry Challenge

On the table we find the future of Christianity

  • 4/14ers are the heart of the harvest, Wess Stafford
  • During this decade or 'window' most children in this demographic group develop their moral foundations and values
  • It is crucial that we re-prioritize and re-direct mission efforts toward those in the 4/14 Window.
  • We are engaging the next generation of 4/14ers with a view of their transforming the world.
  • The ultimate goal - To equip them to become partners with God on His transformational mission of bringing together all things under the headship of Christ (Eph. 1:9-10) with the result that all things on earth are reconciled and aligned to Him (Col. 1:20).

Chuck Colson wrote: The great need of our day is to fuel a movement to equip believers to nurture Christian transformation in minds, lives, relationships, ministries, and spheres of influence around the world. And who should be at the forefront of that movement? The leaders of tomorrow - orthodox believers ages 4-14 firmly rooted in a faith that propels them to be the hands and feet of Christ. … it's more critical than ever to focus our efforts on reaching this generation.