Invitation to Special Conference Call for Transform World Global Challenges Summit 2012
- This Thursday Morning, September 27, 8am-9am Pacific & 11am-12pm Eastern
- Please connect using Transform USA number 712-432-0232 & code 750209#
- Scan Transform World 2020 Prospectus Draft. Read North American Response to Challenges -- page 69 to 72 in preparation of the call1
Dear North American Delegates,
It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I welcome you as members of the Transform World Summit North American delegation. Thank you for prayerful consideration over these past months as we have worked diligently with discernment to hear the heart of our Father instructing us in the way we should go. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join me on Thursday, September 27, 2012 from 8:00 to 9:00am (Pacific Standard Time) to review some important details leading up the conference.
I would also like to briefly introduce Christopher Lucey (christopher.lucey@uscwm.org) who will be serving as your facilitator for the Global Challenges Summit in Bali. He was introduced to me through Willy Tjen and Kathy Narramore leaders of Transform Los Angeles. Christopher has a unique background having led entrepreneurial start-ups to serving as an adjunct professor designing MBA courses in Global Leadership, Management, Environmental Economics, International Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the past 6 years. Currently he serves as the Managing Director of the Frontier Mission Fellowship and the Executive Director of the US Center for World Mission. Christopher is also the Co-author of the book “Pauline Pattern of Servant Leadership” with Dr. Frank Eiklor of Shalom International Outreach.
As you may be aware each facilitator was asked to provide a plan for how they would serve the catalytic leaders in their region. The concept that has been submitted by Christopher is designed to address the area of greatest need during the next seven years and beyond – leadership capital (building capacity for the movement by taking the long-view).
The Global Leadership Fellows Program has a comprehensive and holistic approach toward the formation of servant-leaders. The strategic purpose of this program is to increase the numbers and capacity of catalytic leaders leading up to 2020.
We see the next seven years as a time to “rise and build” – this is the theme of the program. The innovative design of the program will support the formation of emerging leaders in each of the seven spheres and address the seven challenges in the process.
The hope is that by 2020 a national network of highly skilled and well trained global innovative leaders will be ready to emerge having established their plans, strategies, and resourced their teams to transformation our nation, our culture and the world.
The program will emphasize three key areas 1) Discipleship, 2) Stewardship and 3) Statesmanship over the next seven years leading up to 2020. The objective is to empower emerging leaders to learn how to fully align their hearts with God’s Word, learn to gain agreement with His will (and each other), so that they may commit to doing the work that God has prepared for them in advance (Jn 4:34 & Eph 2:10). In so doing, we will see the acceleration of breakthroughs and the advancement of the Kingdom in all seven spheres. What makes this sustainable? The fact the our Father has made the way. And He desires to see the multiplication and development of His sons and daughters become true servants who have been trained for such a time as this. Our greatest strategy is to strengthen the bench and broaden our reach.
The critical issue this initiative addresses is the tremendous need of well-trained leaders who have a clear identity rooted in Christ who will be able to stand firm and remain faithful. We know that deep personal transformation must happen first before anyone can lead significant cultural transformation in any generation. This is our privilege and our time to come along side this generation to invest in them and the future of our nation join me as we “Rise & Build” together!
The Transform World Global Summit 2012 (TW GS 2012) Prospectus draft (link to download) will remain a draft until review and final agreement is made by the communities committed to advocate on behalf of, engage in and collaborate in implementing the agreed upon plans by challenge, sphere of cultural influence and region in the succeeding seven years to 2020. Following TW GS 2012 the Prospectus will become the Transform World 2020 Handbook.
Yours in Christ,
Luis Bush
International Facilitator, Transform World